Greetings From The Chief Apostle's Chair
Grace unto you, and Peace from God our Father. In this time of world confusion, chaos, spiritual doubt, immorality, and the general degradation of human dignity, we need to be reminded that God is always with us. As a body of dedicated and committed Apostolic followers of Jesus Christ, our sole purpose in life is to reveal the truth of God's presence among us and to make known His promise.
As the Chief Servant of this great church fellowship, I am pleased to take this opportunity to welcome you to the official website of THE HOUSE OF GOD IN CHRIST CHURCH. We have several departments and ministries available to serve the needs of the whole man.
We are taking the next step to new dimensions. In taking the next step we are challenged to safeguard the well-being of our parishioners spiritually, economically, politically, socially, and culturally.
I encourage each saint to let us take the next step together; we are better together. It is our prayer that our website provides you with the information you seek. We wish to thank each visitor for taking the time to visit with us. If you are ever in the Alma Georgia area please feel welcome to worship with us.
Pax Tecum,
+Bishop Donald Gregory Edward Hill